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This module is a direct forward of the Firebase Analytics library. It provides the main functionality, like logging events.

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This module is a direct forward of the Firebase App library. It provides the default FirebaseApp instances.

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This module is a direct forward of the Firebase Authentication library. It provides the main functionality, like authenticating with Google or Apple.

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This module is a direct forward of the Firebase Remote Config library. It provides the main functionality, like remote feature flags.

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This module is a direct forward of the Firebase Crashlytics library. It provides the main functionality, like logging crashes to crashlytics.

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This module is a direct forward of the Firebase Database library. It provides the main functionality, like storing data.

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This module is a direct forward of the Firebase Firestore library. It provides the main functionality, like storing data.

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This module is a direct forward of the Firebase Functions library. It provides the main functionality, like calling Firebase Remote Fuctions.

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This module is a direct forward of the Firebase Installations library. It provides the main functionality, like getting an installation ID.

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This module is a direct forward of the Firebase Messaging library. It provides the main functionality, like subscribing to topics.

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This module is a direct forward of the Firebase Performance library. It provides the main functionality, like tracking performance.

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This module is a direct forward of the Firebase Storage library. It provides the main functionality, like storing files.