
actual data class FirebaseApp(source)
expect class FirebaseApp(source)

The entry point of Firebase SDKs. It holds common configuration and state for Firebase APIs. Most applications don't need to directly interact with FirebaseApp.

For a vast majority of apps, FirebaseInitProvider will handle the initialization of Firebase for the default project that it's configured to work with, via the data contained in the app's google-services.json file. This ContentProvider is merged into the app's manifest by default when building with Gradle, and it runs automatically at app launch. No additional lines of code are needed in this case.

Any FirebaseApp initialization must occur only in the main process of the app. Use of Firebase in processes other than the main process is not supported and will likely cause problems related to resource contention.

actual data class FirebaseApp(source)
actual class FirebaseApp(source)
actual data class FirebaseApp(source)


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val android: FirebaseApp
val android: FirebaseApp
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val ios: FIRApp
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val js: FirebaseApp
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actual val name: String
expect val name: String

Returns the unique name of this app.

actual val name: String
actual val name: String
actual val name: String
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Returns the specified FirebaseOptions.


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actual suspend fun delete()
expect suspend fun delete()

Deletes the FirebaseApp and all its data. All calls to this FirebaseApp instance will throw once it has been called.

actual suspend fun delete()
actual suspend fun delete()
actual suspend fun delete()