
actual fun setCustomKeys(customKeys: Map<String, Any>)(source)
expect fun setCustomKeys(customKeys: Map<String, Any>)(source)

Sets multiple custom keys and values that are associated with subsequent fatal, non-fatal, and ANR reports. This method is intended as an alternative to setCustomKey in order to reduce the computational load of writing out multiple key/value pairs at the same time.

Multiple calls to this method with the same key update the value for that key.

The value of any key at the time of a fatal, non-fatal, or ANR event is associated with that event.

Keys and associated values are visible in the session view on the Firebase Crashlytics console.

Accepts a maximum of 64 key/value pairs. If calling this method results in the number of custom keys exceeding this limit, only some of the keys will be logged (however many are needed to get to 64). Which keys are logged versus dropped is unpredictable as there is no intrinsic sorting of keys. Keys or values that exceed 1024 characters are truncated.



A dictionary of keys and the values to associate with each key

actual fun setCustomKeys(customKeys: Map<String, Any>)(source)