
@Serializable(with = TimestampSerializer::class)
actual class Timestamp : BaseTimestamp(source)

A class representing a Firebase Timestamp.

@Serializable(with = TimestampSerializer::class)
expect class Timestamp : BaseTimestamp(source)

A class representing a Firebase Timestamp.

@Serializable(with = TimestampSerializer::class)
actual class Timestamp : BaseTimestamp(source)

A class representing a Firebase Timestamp.

@Serializable(with = TimestampSerializer::class)
actual class Timestamp : BaseTimestamp(source)

A class representing a Firebase Timestamp.

@Serializable(with = TimestampSerializer::class)
actual class Timestamp : BaseTimestamp(source)

A class representing a Firebase Timestamp.


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actual constructor(seconds: Long, nanoseconds: Int)
expect constructor(seconds: Long, nanoseconds: Int)
actual constructor(seconds: Long, nanoseconds: Int)
actual constructor(seconds: Long, nanoseconds: Int)
actual constructor(seconds: Long, nanoseconds: Int)


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actual object Companion
expect object Companion
actual object Companion
actual object Companion
actual object Companion
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A server time timestamp.

A server time timestamp.

A server time timestamp.

A server time timestamp.

A server time timestamp.


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actual val nanoseconds: Int
expect val nanoseconds: Int
actual val nanoseconds: Int
actual val nanoseconds: Int
actual val nanoseconds: Int
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actual val seconds: Long
expect val seconds: Long
actual val seconds: Long
actual val seconds: Long
actual val seconds: Long


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
open override fun hashCode(): Int
open override fun hashCode(): Int
open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Link copied to clipboard
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open override fun toString(): String
open override fun toString(): String
open override fun toString(): String
open override fun toString(): String